Friday, November 4, 2011

Famous Foods in Chengdu

Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan Province in southwestern China. The city is famous of its laid-back way of living due to its local landscapes and snacks. The local flavor snacks in Chengdu are super popular in China because of the gamey characters and great varieties, such as, wonton, chow mein, brawn, confiture, pastry, etc., more than 200 kinds of foods consist of the unique local snacks. 
The video records
Andrew's trip of visiting different famous snack bars in Chengdu. 

The eight snacks listed below are super famous in Chengdu, as well as in China, which are also appeared in the video.

Chen Mapo Tofu
Chen Mapo Tofu is a famous shop named by the country. It opened in 1862. Because the color of the tofu is ruddy and the beef shreds is crispy, it had be a namable food since the end of the Qing Dynasty. 

Chen Mapo Tofu

Shuangliu Rabbit Head
The shop opened in 2003 and has a eight-year history. This snack sounds terrible, however, the characters of the food are hot and spicy, and it is very popular.

Sliced Lungs
It is said that a couple made this snack with ox's lungs in 1930s and many people loved it. After the shop was founded, the materials was changed with beef, tripe and oxtongue.  

Sliced Lungs

Spiced Griskin
It has a 100-year length of history. Because of its high requirements during the process, spiced griskin stands in top in the field of pot-stewed dishes.

Dan-dan Noodle
Dan-dan Noodle is a famous foodstuff in Chengdu. Here is the process of making it. Roll flour into noodle, boil the noodle, and combine it with saute minced pork. It seems very simple, but more simple means more difficult.

Dan-dan Noodle

The wonton in Chengdu is another very famous food. Its main characteristics are the thin skin, crispy minced meat and delicious soup.


Zhong Dumplings
Contrasted with the dumplings in north China, Zhong dumplings are made with chopped pork and without any vegetables. Its taste is hot and spicy, as well as a little sweet. 

It is produced in the end of Qing Dynasty. It tastes cooling and delicious.


There are hundreds kinds of foods in Chengdu, and they are so famous and popular that a great many tourists go to Chengdu just for their favorite foods every year. It is amazing and unbelievable, but it is ture.

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